Freitag, 27. September 2013

Metamorphose temps de filles: Rose Cage

A friend of mine is on holiday in Japan. And she brought this pretty new print released by metamorphose. It is such a pretty dress and I'm absolutly in love with it.
I can't decide wich colorway I like more, green or blue. But if I had the choice, i Would take the green one, becaue I don't habe any green dress in my closet.
I just love the print, it is a little bit like End of Immortal Eden (for wich I'm hunting a long time... and it is still not in my hands ;.:). I hope I will get the chance to get this one soon. If anybody from you knew a nice and cheap shopping service, tell me (because chibi_tenshi isn't in Japan this month)

Best wishes.

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