Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Meetup: After Halloween-Meetup

Hello sweet hearts <3.
As i promised, her eis the post about our little after-halloween meetup. My outfit wasn't very halloween-ish, because I didn't know if I could come to the meet (my job, university and many other reasons). But I found the time to go there.
It was a private meetup at Andreas flat. Everybody brang some food and we had an amazing buffet

and everything was decorated
we ate together and after that we made some funny group pictures.
here is an animated one ^^

and a normal one:

everybody looked so nice.

May and I had so much fun with the flamingo.

hope you enjoyed the photos.

Bye Bye

2 Kommentare:

  1. Es ist voll komish die eigene Wohnung im Internet zu sehen *lol*
    Habe dich übrigens getagged! ^^

  2. Hi! Du wirst von mir getaggt. ^^
