Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013


Hello dear followers.
I'm so sorry I made a break in the challange, but I had to do it. I get a very hard cold and i'm still not feeling weel at the moment (but a little better so that i can write a little) I will try to make some days more then one task of the challenge so I can get back to you all.

But now I want to share a great giveaway with you.
Laura has made one for her 200 Readers. Here is the link.
I'm so in love that she wnat to sahre the pretty LBS necklace and bow with us. <3 And yeah... I hope that she would pick me (I never had any candies from finnland)

So next post will be again baout the lolita challenge.
Bye Bye

Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013

Day 9 – 10 things you will never do in lolita.

The daily task is very hard for me. In my opinion lolita is a fashion, so it is nothing I change my normal behaviour when i wear it. So you see it is very very difficult for me.

1. Murder somone. The bloodstains would ruin my pretty ruffle dresses.

2. Go to work in my secret laboratory :D . I would be affraid I will spill some acid over the gorgeous print.

3. Doing Ageplay. Because... I'm not into ageplay.

4. Cleaning my room. It is just to hard to clean up while my poofy skirt is that poofy.

and now... i can't imagine any funny "i will never do" facts... sorry ^^"

So, because this post would be so short I wnat to show you two pictures a friend of mine, made for me:
You like her works? Then check her facebook-page and like it. ^^

Bye Bye

Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013

Day 8 – 10 songs that inspire you for lolita.

Hello pretty!
Today I should tell soemthing about Songs that inspire me for lolita.
I think this is a hard task... There is many music I liek but not many sonsg that are inspireing my for fashion.

1.  From Kamikaze Girls - She Said

2.   MC Melod¥ Doll - Buy Mo' Brand

3.  Emilie Autumn - Girls just wnana have Fun

4. The Pretty Reckless - Make me wanna die (not very lolita related ^^)

5. West Side Story - I feel pretty

sorry... only five songs, but I hope you don't mind

Best wishes.

Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2013

Day 7 – 10 people who inspire your lolita style.

sorry I didn't posted yesterday, but I still have trouble with my headache.

so so challenge of yesterday.

1. Chokelate (just stunning)

2. Minako (showing everyone that big busted girls can also look perfect in lolita)

3. Nancy (Flower Princess)

4. Samira (best Wa Loli in Germany <3)

And to be honest, I don't browse daily_Lolita very often... so i don't realy have many inspiration from others, only from my friends (ich you see above) and chokelate (wich i adore)

Ciao ( I hope I feel better this afternoon so I can post day 8 of the challenge)

Montag, 7. Oktober 2013

Day 6 – 10 things you can’t live without in lolita.

I hope you feel better then me, because today I have such a bad headache. It feels like I'm gonna die -.-.

So here is the challenge...
10 things you can’t live without in lolita.

1. my lolita-friends. without them it wound be that fun.
2. my petticoats. I love to have different ones to have the perfect poof for every dress.
3. hair accesories. Without them every Outfit would just be 80% cool... they make it about 20% cooler :D
4. valentines. I ove that there is this site, and when I have time i allways try to make some.
5. ...but I also like the secrets, especially the funny ones (but not the pesonal attacks)
6. S*H*O*P*P*I*N*G <3. I love to browse the brand pages and sales communities.
7. overknee socks. I just love them.
8. heard-shaped-bags. I own four of them and in my opinion you never have enough of them.
9. Meetups. Without meetups it would be only half the fun to dress up in the pretty colthes
10. lolitablogs. I love to read them and watch the pretty girls in their perfect coordinates.

So, hope I feel better tomorrow.

Bye Bye

Sonntag, 6. Oktober 2013

Day 5 – 10 items from your wishlist.

Today is one of my favoirite parts of the challenge. My Wishlist. Because it is very long i will only post main pieces and not the accesoirs I'm searching for.

1. End of immortal Eden JSK in navy

2. Mousée du Chocolat JSK

3. Melty Royal Chocolate

4. Chess Chocolate in ivory (Jabot version or princess set)

5. Eternal Rose Bouquet

6. Rose Cage

7. Midnight Doll

8. Lady Rose Mini sleeve OP (any color)

9. Chocolate Rosette

10. Midsummernights Dream (i will never fit in it... but i love it)

Bye Bye

Samstag, 5. Oktober 2013

Day 4 – 10 different kinds of food you like.

Today a more actual list of people who do the challenge with me:
Stories of a black Moon
Asian Wannabe Girl
Camiia Gracía
a sweet lolita from space (she started it before us, but yeah... is at day 25 ^^)
Sweet Cutie
celestine locsin (wants to do it as a video blogg (has not started yet).

Ok and now let's start with the task for today... 10 kind of foods I like

1. Choclate!

2. Coffee! (I know it isn't an actual food, but I just love it)

3. Oreo chocolate cream cookies

4. Pizza (yeah not very loliable... XD)

5. Ice-cream

6. Steak

7. Fruits (especially strawberries)

8. Rice. I just love every food with rice (sometimes only eating it pure)


10. Cottoncandy <3

Read you tomorrow

Freitag, 4. Oktober 2013

Day 3 – 10 things you hate in lolita.

Hello Sweeties!

Today I don't have that much time, so only very short answers for the challenge. Sorry >.<"

1. Personal attacks! The most I hate in the community is that there are so many personal attacks against some lolitas. Why allways beeing so rude?

2. The prices. I'm just a student and it is allways hard for me to get nice lolita pieces.

3. I hate my bust... i don't fit int the most dresses just because I'm kind of "big busty".

4. I hate it that some girls get discriminated because of their skin color, heigh, body messurements, etc..

5. I hate hot days when i wear lolita. It feels like I'm gonna melt.

6. I hate when some pieces from my wishlist are on sale and I don't have the money to buy them.

7. Customs.

8. I hate to knock things over with my skirt, just because of the poofiness XD.

9. Driving by train or bus in my pretty drresses. I hate people aksing dump questons "hey are you a stripper" when they are drunk and driving with me.

10. I hate that I can't buy my brand in my local area. I wish to habe a shop where I can try on the pretty dresses.

Bye Bye <3

P.S.: I decided to call the pink Alpaca "Lucy" <3

Donnerstag, 3. Oktober 2013

something funny: Lolita Print Name Generator

By yours truly.
Very sweet-oriented, but a lot of laughs, especially if the combination is odd, and you try to picture it in your mind.
Your birthday (out of your birth month)

1. Melty
2. Milky
3. Dreamy
4. Lovely
5. Sugary
6. Starry
7. Creamy
8. Strawberry
9. Princess
10. Little
11. Pretty
12. Classical
13. Sweet
14. Merry
15. Parisian
16. Fantastic
17. Fragrant
18. Lacy
19. Holy
20. Decoration
21. Twinkle
22. Musical
23. Juicy
24. Wonder
25. Flocky
26. Cute
27. Beauty
28. Candle
29. Ichigo
30. Porcelain
31. Antique

The first initial of your first name

A: Mermaid
B: Candy
C: Rose
D: Night
E: Bunny
F: Cupcake
G: Chocolate
H: Doll
I: Fruit
J: Swan
K: Alice
L: Jewelry
M: Dessert
N: Moon
O: Toy
P: Fairy
Q: Perfume
R: Cookie
S: Tiara
T: Berry
U: Tea
V: Jam
W: Dream
X: Flower
Y: Cherry
Z: Chess
Å: Baby
Ä: Marshmallow
Ö: Vanilla
First initial of your last name

A: Angel
B: Carnival
C: Theatre
D: Masquerade
E: Garden
F: Café
G: Parlor
H: -Chan
I: Dream
J: Drop
K: Magic
L: Toilette
M: Parade
N: Carnival
O: Memories
P: Party
Q: Bouquet
R: Fairytale
S: Rosette
T: Melody
U: House
V: Ribbon
W: Room
X: Shop
Y: Castle
Z: Sky
Å: Window
Ä: Bottle
Ö: Dance

I'm Juicy Chocolate Drop
<3 Chocolate ist perfect for me <3

Day 2 – 10 things you love in lolita.

Today is the second day of the lolita challenge.
So here we go... 10 things I love in lolita.

1. I love the clothes. Of course I love them, if not it would be stupid to wear them.

2. But the best are the girls I only met because of this fashion. I made some very good friends only because of that style.

3. The many variations of style. I love the most of them but If you have shown my a sweet Lolita and a Goth Loli, in my early years i wouldn't have belied taht these to are in the same "fashion".

4. I like to go to the meet ups. It is only nice to see people who love the same fahsion and get to know all this different people.

5. The accesoirs. In wich other fashion you have so many themed accesoirs? like chocolate, animals, etc. wich match perfectly to an Outfit.

6. I love dressing up. Standing there watching me in the mirror and thinking "yeah this looks great!"

7. Taking photos with my friends, and photographer and so on is allways so much fun.

8. Overknees <3. I'm totally in love with them and often wear them in my normal style. Without them I feel very naked XD

9. beeing girly. The most of my friends outside lolita fashion are male and yeah sometimes it is like I#m forgetting that I'm a girl when I'm around them. Dressing up in so pretty clothes remembers me that I'm a "princess".

10. The prints. Especially the chocolate themed ones.

And now, beside the challenge, I want to show you my new "friends".

my boyfriend called him Donald, because he is a sailor like donald duck ^^.

she doesn't have a name already, do you have any ideas?

now we three say "Good Bye! Read you tomorrow <3"

Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2013

Day 1 – 10 things about your lolita bubble.

Hello <3
so there are some girls, who wnat to do the challenge with me.
First there is Mary Hazelbelle, a very freindly girl (but I don't know where she is from... I guess it is sweden). And then there is the pretty Samira, a friend of mine from germany.

So here we go,10 things abaout my lolita bubble.

1. I'm not very sefconfident, so it took many years for me to have the courage to wear Lolita (and one more year to wear it outside the house). But this fashion made me stronger. Today I'm standing there, proud in my frilly dresses and only sometimes, I'm wishing back at home, or wishing myself just wearing normal clothes.

2. I'm not a lifestyle lolita. I wear this fashion for meetups, concerts, sometime sin university or to shows (like a musical). I also love to wear my jeans, nerdy tshirt and glasses.

3. I began wearing brand, very early, but I'm still one of these girls who say taht you don't have to pay 300€ + to look great. If you do a good job you can also look great in a Bodyline dress.

4. Sometimes I'm a bit annoyed of the girls, who wnat me to do everything for them. Buying from egl and from the brands like Baby & AP isn't difficult anymore. In the years when I started there was ONLY Bodyline who shipped overseas and you could only get brand clothes second hand.

5. I started wearing Sweet Lolita in all over pink and pastel clours, but today I'm more for the dark colours. Pastel isn't mine anymore, but I still love it to sea a great Sweet Lolita.

6. I'm totally into oldschool at the moment. I love ths black and white combindes clothes. Sadly you didn't see it anymore in our community (the only thing I never liked where the long headpieces. Urks >.<)

7. In the last two years, my wardrobe has grown so much. At this moment I have 15 Lolita dresses (and only two are nonbrand ^^").

8. I'm trying to have dresses from all the big brands I like. I already has hunted Angelic Pretty, Baby the stars shine bright, Alice and the Pirates, Innocent World, Metamorphose and Moitie. But like you sea I still need some of the "big" ones.

9. I love to wear my lolita accesoirs with normal clothes to make Outfits a little bit more special and showing other "undercover" Lolitas, that I'm one of them (because of the AP Sugary Carnical tote bag I met a very nice girl half a year ago ^^)

10. I'm affraid that I'm already 26 years old... and that someday I will leave this fashion. At leats when I have children I will leave it. I was bullied in scool because my parents were different from the others and I don't want my children to experience the same.

Good Bye,
"See" you tomorrow.

Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013

Challenge: 30 days of Lolita

I found the 30 days Lolita challenge on the random lolita. So I thought it could be quit interessting for my readers to see my answers on these tasks.

So here we go:

Day 1 – 10 things about your lolita bubble.
Day 2 – 10 things you love in lolita.
Day 3 – 10 things you hate in lolita.
Day 4 – 10 different kinds of food you like.
Day 5 – 10 items from your wishlist.
Day 6 – 10 things you can’t live without in lolita.
Day 7 – 10 people who inspire your lolita style.
Day 8 – 10 songs that inspire you for lolita.
Day 9 – 10 things you will never do in lolita.
Day 10 – What’s in your bag?
Day 11 – One day in your lolita life in pictures.
Day 12 – A picture of yourself before lolita came in to your life.
Day 13 – A picture of your favorite sweets.
Day 14 – A picture of your dream item.
Day 15 – A picture of your last lolita purchase.
Day 16 – Your outfit for the day.
Day 17 – What do you want more then anything right now?
Day 18 – A picture of your favorite lolita style.
Day 19 – What’s in your make-up bag?
Day 20 – A picture of a lolita friend.
Day 21 – Your favorite fictional lolita.
Day 22 – A picture of your room.
Day 23 – A picture of your handwriting.
Day 24 – A picture of you from a meet.
Day 25 – Your favorite lolita themed artwork.
Day 26 – Your Facebook profile picture.
Day 27 – One song that fits your favorite lolita style.
Day 28 – A picture of the perfect lolita location.
Day 29 – A picture of a lolita you would love to meet for real.
Day 30 – A photo of yourself taken today and 3 good things that’s happened over the last 30 days.

Is somone of you interessted in doing this challenge with me?  If so, just comment this entry and I will link to your blogg in my next post.

I will start with this challenge tomorrow.

Best wishes